Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 13.djvu/227

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i SLACUM'S REPORT ON OREGON, 1836-7 219 To the Hon. JOHN FORSYTH, Secretary of State, Washington. No. 4. FALCON, OFF SAN BLAS, October 10, 1836. SIR: I have been unavoidably detained in California until this time. We sail, however, this day, for the Sandwich islands. I hope to be there by the, 1st proximo, and by the 10th of De- cember on the banks of the Oregon. I have forwarded to Mr. Ellis, in Mexico, a claim against the Government of Mexico, evidently of the most just and plain character; and although I have every confidence in the ability and friendly disposition of Mr. Ellis to do everything in his power to get the claims of his countrymen acknowledged, I could still have wished to have gone to Mexico, to urge, in person, the claim in question, amounting to nearly ten thousand dollars. But the duty that has been assigned me, I shall en- deavor to accomplish to the satisfaction of the Government, to the postponement of all matters of a private nature. I have the honor to remain, etc., etc., WILLIAM A. SLACUM. To the Hon. JOHN FORSYTH, Secretary of State, Washington. No. 5. OAHU, SANDWICH ISLANDS, November 24, 1836. SIR: I have the honor to acquaint you that I arrived here on the 5th instant, from Lower California, via San Bias. To- morrow I sail for the Columbia river, in the American brig Loriot, Captain Bancroft, and I may fairly calculate on being at Fort George in twenty days from this date. My coming hither has very much facilitated my views, and I have received information connected with American interests in the Oregon of the highest importance.