Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 14.djvu/354

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degree of negligence on the part of the men. They also put what few skins they had with other articles in cache which the Indians found and carried off, from a pack to a pack and a half of the few beaver they had. The half breeds lost two of the horses by theft, and made but very few skins. Plant and party also found very few beaver, but they lost no horses.

Friday, July 20th.

Fine weather.

The people whom I left two days ago arrived safe. Since our spring journey commenced we have traveled upwards of 1000 miles, and from the height of the water and scarcity of beaver we have very little for the labor and trouble which we experienced. Previous to taking up our winter quarters last fall we traveled upwards of 980 miles, which, with the different moves made during the winter makes better than 2000 miles traveled during our voyage.

Total loss of horses during the voyage, 82, viz. : Stolen by the Blackfeet when P. L. Clay was killed, 3; stolen by the Snake Indians from A. Case and party, 22 ; stolen by the Snake Indians from my party during winter, 3 ; stolen by the Snake Indians from the half-breeds in summer after leaving me, 2; died or gave up on the way previous to reaching the three hill plains in the fall, 1 by Toupin, 1 by Dumas, and 3 by the half breeds when they left the party on Salmon River, 5 ; died or left crossing the plain in the fall, 26; died during the winter, 1 1 ; killed for food by A. Carson and party, 3 ; killed for food by my party during summer, 5 ; killed for food by C. Plante's party during summer, 1 ; drowned crossing a river by Royer, 1 ; total, 82.