Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 14.djvu/434

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Valley, 8; visits Tualatin plains, 8; high price of mechanics' labor causes ten of Shark's crew to desert, only two are returned, 8; sells Peacock's launch, 8-9; descends the Columbia, 9; suffers shipwreck in attempting to cross bar on Sept. iq, 9-10; puts up log houses for sheltering crew, 10-11; charters the Cadboro, 11-12; receives intelligence of Oregon treaty, Mexican war and occupation of California, 12; is pent up in Cadboro anchored in Baker's Bay from Nov. 17 to Jan. 18, 12-13; crosses bar and proceeds to California Jan. 18, 13; narrates role of Dr. John McLoughlin in Oregon, 21-3; comments on population and politics of Oregon, 21-35.

HOWISON, LIEUTENANT NEIL M., U. S. Navy, record of service of, 364-5.

Hudson's Bay Company, landed posses- sions and agricultural operations of,

(2) Hudson's Bay Company factors give Lieutenant Howison friendly and considerate relief, 10; accept bills on Baring & Bros, at par, 10.

(i) Hudson's Bay Company agents har- assed by intrusive Americans, 33-4.


Idaho, gold discoveries cause organiza- tion of territory of, 61.

Indian agent's experience in the war of 1886, 65-7.

Indian population in Oregon, 1846, 46-8.

Indian uprising of 1886, the last in the Pacific Northwest, 65.

Linn City, founded by Robert Moore, 1843, 215.

Lmnton, 1846, 42; 215.

LOWNSDALE, DANIEL H., Letter by, to SAMUEL R. THURSTON, 213-49; bio- graphical data on, 215.

LOWNSDALE LETTER, historical import- ance of, 217; urges preference be given Americans in conflicting pre- emption rights, 218; old organic law of Oregon did not grant any right to soil, 218-19; suggests wording for land law, 219-221; custom house lo- cation, 221; resume of British opera- tions in Oregon country from author's point of view, 221-4; source of "nest- of-dangers" reputation of the mouth of the Columbia, 224-6; Commodore Wilkes and his officers "taken in" at Fort Vancouver, 226-9; how the "law- yer, the judge and the general with the helpers, the former legislators," were handled, 229-30; how the insur- gency of 1846 was subdued, 230-2; the terms of the treaty and the ownership of the Hudson's Bay Company station and mill at Oregon City, 232-3; the Indians used as pawns, 224-44; trust methods used by Hudson's Bay Com- pany authorities, 242-4; "friends at court" and delegate to Congress be- come the issue, 245-9.

LUPTON, fur trader, 251-258; his fort, 261.


MCCARVER M. M., with Peter H. Bur- nett, selected site of Linnton, 215.

McCLURE, COLONEL JOHN, has pre-emp- tion claim to Point George, 12.

MCLOUGHLIN. DR. JOHN, role of, in Oregon narrated by Lieutenant Neil M. Howison, 21-3.

MCLOUGHLIN, DR. JOHN, cost of im- provements made by, at Willamette Falls to January i, 1851, 68-70.

Methodist missionaries in Oregon, 1846,

Milton laid off at mouth of Willamette,

216. Multnomah laid off below Linn City by

Hugh Burns, 215.


Northern Pacific Railroad Company's transfer boat, the Frederick Billings, at Ainsworth on the Snake River and later at Pasco, 346-7.

OGDEN, PETER SKEEN, characterized by Lieutenant Neil M. Howison. 31-2.

Oregon, rapid development of, in early forties causes a statistical account two years old to be out of date, 9; winds and weather affecting conditions of navigation, 14-15; portions of occupied in 1846, 21 ; people of, in 1846, 21-6; political conditions in, 1846, 26-7; wretched plight of incoming pioneers soon relieved, 28-9; Hudson's Bay Company and missionaries, through credit given and assistance afforded, lighten hardships of pioneers, 29-30; company's officials seek political in- fluence through credit extended, 30-1; strong patriotic feeling among the Americans, 32-3; commerce in, 36-40.

Oregon in 1863, 61-4; population, 61-4; political directory of, 1863, 62-3; tax-

discoveries in,

able property in, 64.

Oregon, Eastern, gold di cause filling up of, 61.

Oregon City, 1846, 43; first place se- lected as townsite in Oregon, 215.

Oregon Defenses, 54-5.

Oregon flocks and herds, 1846, 52-3.

Oregon flora, 51.

Oregon meteorology, 50.

Oregon Steam Navigation Company makes effort in 1864 to take steamboat through Snake River canyon to ply between Old's Ferry and Boise, 339- 40.

OSBORN, BURR, SURVIVOR OF HOWISON EXPEDITION TO OREGON IN 1846, Rem- iniscences of experiences growing out of wrecking of United States schooner Shark at mouth of Columbia, 355-64.

Pacific City, laid off by Elijah White, 216.

Peacock's launch left by Captain Wilkes in charge of Dr. McLoughlin, sold by Lieutenant Howison, 8-9.

PITTOCK, HENRY L., part, of, in the up- building of the Oregonian, 204.

Portland, 1846, 42; claims to land on site of, 215; in 1862, 333.