Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 16.djvu/110

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Reverend Ezra Fisher

We hope to sustain three Sabbath schools the present summer in connection with these churches. In behalf of the above named churches,



The First Baptist Church in Rock Island, county of Rock Island, and the Baptist Church at Mount Pleasant, Henry Co., concur in the foregoing application to the Executive Committee of the American Baptist Home Mission Society, to appoint Elder Ezra Fisher, as their Missionary.
Rock Island &
Mt. Pleasant, Ill.
May 3, 1844.

Joint Committee of said Churches.

The Executive Board of the Baptist Con. of Iowa, concur in the above and recommend the reappointment of Br. Fisher and the desired appropriation.


Cor. Sec.

Rock Island, Rock Island County, 111., June 15, 1844.

Rev. Benj. M. Hill,

Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc.

Dear Br.:

I now proceed to make my report for the second and last quarter under the appointment Nov. 1, 1843.

I have labored the whole time in my appropriate field of labor except 9 days in which I was absent on private business and during that time I spent most of the time as profitably to the cause of Christ as I should have done in the field, being absent from none of my Sabbath appointments. It is with your Board to judge of the propriety of making a proportionate deduction from the sum appropriated.