Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/133

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Capt. and others after them all have returned but the Capt. and one other saw buffalo on the opposite side of this river say 200.

Wednes. 21. The Capt. returned about 11 o'clock last evening with all the horses but two which he lost not being able to run them down having followed them about 25 m. and tired those they rode.

Traveled say 26 m. to day. The Indians have not over- taken us and we are confident they cannot with their Families and they take them along when they go to [the] Buff aloe [country]. Saw at least thousands of Buffaloe to day some were killed by the men they are very good if fat. I think pref- erable to beef. The bottom lands along the river are literally black with them for miles. We killed our cow this morning before we saw the Buffaloe and paid the Capt. what we owed him and let him have all except what we wanted ourselves.

May 20. Some Pawnees Loup Indians came to camp. Their camp is a day and a half march on the opposite side.

Wednes. 21. Traveled about 20 m. and encamped as usual on the bank of the Platte. There were several buff aloe kil[l]ed to day by the hunters and others.

Thursday 22. Were obliged to throw away good fat beef because it would not keep sweet any longer but we [have] plenty of buffalo. There are some Free trappers as they are called with us but we have agreed to do our part [of the] hunting and each mess share the spoil equally.

Fri. 23. Went out with the hunters this morning to learn to kill buffaloe. They intended to kill one for breakfast but it being cold and windy they had retreated to the hills some 3 or 4 m. and thither we followed them and with a great deal of labour we succeeded in killing 3 and wounded as many more.

We became thirsty not having tasted food or water during the day and the hunters soon supplied themselves and invited [us] to partake with them of what they called cider but I choose not to participate in their beverage. It consisted of