Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/166

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brown Holland, two pounds of candlewicking, six cakes of shaving soap, one pair heavy calfskin men's shoes, No. 9, two pair of women's shoes, calf skin, No. 4^, two pair of moroc- co shoes, No. 4, two pair of boys' shoes, heavy kip, Nos. 5 and 6, two pair of girls' shoes, calf skin, Nos. 1 and 2, two pair children's calf skin, Nos. 10 and 11. Our climate is wet and we need thick, firm leather. Also send one school geog- raphy.

March 31st. In the purchase of these articles, you will please have regard to our income and the climate in which we live.

Our late news from the Indian war is of a favorable char- acter and we hope the war will terminate in a few months at longest. Yet a few unfavorable occurrences may involve us in a general Indian warfare. Present prospects for an abundant wheat harvest are very flattering. I must close this, as the last opportunity to send it to the return party will be in a day or two and I have to answer several private letters.

Yours with esteem,

EZRA FISHER, Missionary in Clatsop Plains, Oregon.

Received August 14, 1848.

Clatsop Plains, Clatsop County, Oregon Ter.

Sept. the 20th, 1848. Rev. Benjamin M. Hill,

Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Very Dear Br. :

All the letters which you sent me on board the ship Ma- tilda were probably received on board the brig Mary Dane, 149 together with thirteen boxes of goods and books shipped on board the same ship. I suppose the other box was shipped

149 "Mary Dare," not "Mary Dane." She belonged to the Hudson Bay Com- pany and arrived from the Hawaiian Islands, where she had probably received these goods from the "Matilda," the latter part of August, 1848. Bancroft, Hist. of Ore. II: 43 .