Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/311

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Oregon City, Oregon Ter., Feb. 8th, 1850. Rev. Benj. M. Hill,

Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Dear Br. : '

I take my pen in hand to give you the Constitution of the Oregon Bapt. Educational Soc., together with a few of the resolutions passed at the late meeting of its Board held in this city Feb. 2nd. As we have as yet no means of publishing the proceedings of our meetings, we must transcribe and send all our proceedings in letter form :

Constitution of the Oregon Baptist Education Society as adopted by convention, Sept. 22, 1849.

Art. 1st. This Society shall be called the Oregon Bapt. Education Society.

Art. 2nd. The objects of this society shall be to promote the cause of education generally; to locate one literary in- stitution, or more, for the benefit of the Baptist denomi- nation in Oregon Territory; to appoint a board of trus- tees for each of the same; to hold such board or boards responsible for the faithful execution of the trust commit- ted to them; to aid in the education of indigent pious youth of promising gifts in our churches and to raise funds to carry into effect the above named objects.

Art. 3rd. The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and five Directors who shall constitute a board for the transaction of business, all of whom shall be members of regular Baptist churches, and three of whom shall form a quorum whose respective duties shall be the same as those usually exercised by officers of the same name in similar societies, who shall be chosen an- nually, but shall hold their offices until their successors are chosen.

Art. 4th. Any person may become a member of this So- ciety by subscribing to this Constitution.