Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/409

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came but not with' men enough to carry the boat. We carried some of the goods by and part remain at the landing. Find myself very weary.

Fri. 3. Slept verry well upon the bags of flour. The Indians came to receive payment for their labour and it was indeed a perplexing business to know how to pay them accord- ing to their work. Despairing of geting the boat past the falls we engaged two Indians with cannoes to go up with us and by means of an old can[n]oe we were enabled to take all and proceed a few mi. and are camped where it is difficult to find a place to sleep except on small stones.

Sat., 4 Oct. Arrived at Mr. McKay's landing 1 o'clock, found Br's D. Lee & Edwards there with the horses ; put them into the cannoes and came on horseback to Mr. Jerrais [Ger- vais]. He is not yet returned from the fort but is expected tonight.

Mon., 6 Oct. Yesterday remained at Mr. Jerrais', did little except read my Bible a little, my mind barren and un- fruitful. Early this morn in company with Mr. Jerrais went to examine land farther up than I had before been but con- cluded to land a short distance above the upper house on the W. Landed safe a little before night.

Sat., 11 Oct., 1834. We have been engaged preparing tools, fencing a pasture for calves, drying goods, &c., which were wet coming up the river. Some things sustained a little damage but nothing of consequence. Have for the first time been employed in making an ox yoke and succeeded beyond my expectation having no pattern.

Sun., 12 Oct. Many of the inhabitants came to see us and remained for hoiirs conversing about various things in the Canadian tongue.

I understand some of their conversation but not enough to converse on religious subjects, hence I found their visit long. Have concluded to preach the ensuing Sabbath at Mr. Jerrais', though the congregation will consist mostly of persons who will not understand the discourse.