Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/446

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approaching to a passion for the work, train the churches right. I feel a strong assurance on this subject.

I am not tired of doing my duty, but I think I shall appre- ciate in some measure the responsibilities of the ministry more than I have done in past years, should the Lord! gra- ciously spare my life till I can give over this school into other hands. When I look over the moral waste of the Willamette Valley and hear the appeals as often as I see the brethren, "When will you come and preach to us?" it is almost more than I can endure. The interests of our school must not be neglected, but, unless we are visited with the outpourings of the spirit from on high, we are a ruined people in Oregon. Pray for us.


E. FISHER. Received Oct. 6, 1851.

Oregon City, Sept. 3d, 1851. Rev. Benj. M. Hill,

Cor. Sec. A. B. H. M. Soc. Dear Brother:

I received by the last mail two copies of the annual^ report of the A. B. H. M. Soc. for 1851, and Br. Johnson received a letter from you. Religious matters in the Territory remain much as they were when I last wrote. Our school numbers about forty scholars since we dismissed the female depart- ment and will be considerably enlarged the next two quarters, should our teachers prove to be popular with this people, as we trust they will. I have but three weeks after the present one in this quarter. Then I hope to be able under God to visit the churches through the valley and preach to them Saturdays and Sabbaths and, at the same time, raise some funds for our building, which lies heavy on our hands and heavier on my heart. The work has moved on slowly this summer, it being only enclosed, without doors or win- dows. We, however, have part of the glass, and the oil and lead for painting. The house is between three and four hun-