Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 17.djvu/480

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delaine in market, get the amount in worsted goods for women's dresses. 8 yards of white muslin for young ladies' dresses. 1 bolt of good gingham, not very light colored.

1 parasol, suitable for a young lady, not very light. 16 yards cambric for lining. 6 yards brown holland.

2 good brown linen tablecloths, 6 feet square. 10 yards good brown linen toweling, all linen. Half-pound black Italian sewing silk, good.

18 yards good, fine twilled red flannel. 6 papers of pins, different sizes.

1 pound black linen thread.

6 cards good hooks and eyes. 12 fine ivory combs, large. 6 tucking combs. 1 roll of black ribbon, 1^ inches wide. 1 box adamantine candles. 1 good glass lantern. Fourth gross matches. 1 barrel New Orleans sugar, good. 200 letter en- velopes. Half-ream letter paper, best article.

One dozen cut glass tumblers. 2 ladies' bonnets, one of which is for a girl of 11 years, each trimmed. 2 copies Downing's work on Horticulture. 286 1 copy Preacher's Man- ual by Rev. S. T. Sturtevant. 287 1 copy of Williams' Miscel- laneous. 288 1 pair fine calf boots, number 10's. 1 do. No. 11 's, high in the instep. 1 pair water-proof calf boots, dou- ble sole and feet, lined with good calf, not very heavy. 1 pair calf shoes, fine, No. 9. 1 do. No. 10, good article. 2 pair little boys' calfskin shoes, No. 9. 1 pair ladies' gaiters, drab or slate colored, No. 4's. 1 do. black, No. 4^. 2 pairs morocco boots. No. 4^. 2 do., one morocco and one enameled, No. 4. 1 pair ladies' calfskin boots, No. 4. 1 pair misses' enameled boots, No. 12. 1 pair morocco do. No. 12. 1 pair calfskin do. No. 12. 2 pair ladies' India rubber boots, Nos. 6 and 7, rough bottoms. 10 pairs good, long-legged men's half hose. 6 pairs lamb's wool ladies' hose. 2 pairs colored

286 Andrew Jackson Downing's "Fruit and Fruit Trees of America" was first published in 1845, and passed through many editions.

287 S. F. Sturtevant, Preacher's Manual, publisher by John C. Riker, New York, 8vo., $2.50. O. A. Roorbach, Bibliotheca Americana, p. 525.

288 William R. Williams, Miscellanies. New York, 1850. See also note 237.