Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 21.djvu/310

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Willamette Oct 8 1841

Reed of David Leslie Adm on the estate of E Yong .Deced Seven dollars & thirty cents in full on settlement of Book accounts S. H. Smith

Reed of D. Leslie twenty five dollars in full for the money installment due from the Estate of E Young on the farm con- tract

Willamette Oct 9 1841

S. H. Smith

Champoeick 20th Oct 1841

Mr Leslie Sir Please pay the Bearer five Dollars and eighty cents and this shall be your discharge from me

S. H. Smith Endorsed : Received the within amount in full

W J Bailey Nov 28, 1841

Nov 28 1841

Reed of David Leslie A. D. of E Young Estate Twenty five Dollars in full all Demands up to this Date

S Smith

This day Reed of David Leslie Administrator

on the Estate of E. Young deed $100.00 one hundred & ten

dollars in full for eleven month labor of Opeo

Willamette March 9 1842 Felix Hathaway

The Estate of Ewing Young 1842

To Jas A ONeil Dr for Services six Dollars

Reed pament Jas A O'Neil