Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/216

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(in what is of equal importance in this case) your court- esies." 38 (The italics are the General's.) Subsequently, the plan outlined to Douglas by Scott in his "project of a temporary settlement" was accepted by the British Government. In March, 1860, a force of Royal Marines under Captain (ieor^v Ilazalgette, equal to the American force. was stationed on San Juan; the two forces, at opposite ends of the island, carrying out_ their duties until final settlement in 1871, in perfect friendliness.


The responsibility for the crisis, so far as the American side is concerned, rested squarely with Harnev; Pickett was sup- ported in all he did by his general; Harney acted without orders from Washington. We have seen that he was not

supported at general headquarters ; General Scott in large measure reversed his (Hartley's) policy. Further evidence of disapproval is given by the suggestion of Scott that Harney should accept a transfer to St. Louis. Scott expected that the British would ask for Harney's removal and told Harney so, suggesting that in such a case it would be a relief 'to the President if Harney were no longer in that command. A con- ditional order to report at St. Louis was sent by Scott, but it was left to Harney to decide for himself whether he should take advantage of it. Said Scott : "If you decline the order, and I give you leave to decline it, please throw it into the fire." Harney elected to stay where he was; he could not believe that there could be any embarrassment to the Presi- dent in this, nor could he "suppose the President would be pleased to see [him] relinquish [the] command." After Scott left for the east, Pickett was re-instated in his command and Harney issued orders in connection with his duties that could scarcely be harmonized with General Scott's instructions. This led to his recall to Washington, where a reprimand was ad- ministered by the Secretary of War not a severe reprimand,

38 Ibid, p. 76.