Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/241

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powerful efforts consistent with strict economy, and praying most earnestly for its bestowment

I am Dear Bro.

Yours in Christ,

William Roberts. Rev. Dr. Pitman Cor. Secy.

P. S. If it would not be too much I would be glad if this letter and postcript could be copied and sent to Bro. Gary, with the request that he will favor me with his maturest advice, in regard to its contents. I wrote to him last fall. W '. R.

N. B. It had not occurred to me until this moment that I am bound to sent a Dft. for a small amt. favor Dr. Babcock. It is a small part of certain notes placed in my hands by Bro. Gary for collection for him the Dft. is for $157.40 for value reed. W. R.

(Copy) To the Treasurer of the Missionary Socy of the Methodist E.

Church REVD. G. LANE. Oregon City, 18th March 1848.

Dear Bro.: I am instructed by the board see. Rec. of Nov. 17, 1846, to keep an account of all such traveling expenses as may necessarily arise out of my duties as superintendent of the Mission and transmit the same to you for payment at every convenient opportunity. The following is the result up to this time including the travel in California as pr order of the board. Errors excepted.

Traveling in California in May & June 1847

Washing in San Francisco & co $ 1.00

Passage to Monteray 15.00

Board 4.00

Supper, horse & guide at San Juan 2.25

Loss on horse bot. for $20. sold for $10 10 00

Postage on letters sent by Panama 1 .00

Oregon Jan. 1848. Ferriage 3.00

Wages of Indian to travel with 4 months 25.99

March trip to Vancouver 1 .38

Ferriage over Walamet 1 year 4.00
