Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/346

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taking out the Bones, and laying the Meat, (after salting), between two Hatches, with a heavy Weight on them, through the Night and in the morning early, after a good examination, pack'd it away in Barrells, using strong pickle. This method answerd ev'ry purpose.

13. N. Latt. 15 49' ; W. Long. 185 25' ; E. Long. 174 35' ; Amp'd 13 23' E. Keep the people employ'd cleaning furs.

24. N. Latt. 15 50'; W. Long. 212 29'; E. Long. 147 31'; Azi. 9 56' E. This is pleasant sailing, have not experi- enced a squall since leaving the Islands, and the sea quite smooth, although a fresh NE. trade. Crew all well.

29. N. Latt. 18 24' ; W. Long. 226 15' ; E. Long. 133 45' ; Azi. and Amp'd 7 12' E. Sea grows more rough, and the weather a little squally.



December 3. N. Latt. 20 30' ; W. Long. 232 28' ; E. Long. 127 32* O <T. This day, contrary to our expectation, we made the Bashee Isles, at 10 leagues distance to the Westward. Have experienced strong Currents in our favour, since leaving the Sandwich Isles. As we cou'd not weather, with the wind at NE., 't was thought best to run between Graf ton and Mon- mouth Isles, bore off accordingly.

4. Fresh breeze. At 6 P. M. we were between the Islands, doubled pretty near Grafton, and luffd close under the lea'd of Orange Isle. Saw a number of fires on the shore, but it was too dark to make any observations. When clear of the group hauld close on a wind for the Coast of China.

5. N. Latt. 21 48'; Correct W. Long. 239 29*; Correct E. Long. 120 31'; Azi. and Amp'd 2 41' W. 16 O O * <T <T. <L Sights. Saw the Island of Formosa, bearing EBN. at Mer- idian, 12 leagues. Fair NE. Monsoon.

6. N. Latt. 22 20'; W. Long. 243 38'; E. Long. 116 22'. Saw the Main land of China, bearing NW. 8 leagues, at Meridian above 100 sail of fishing boats in sight. Soundings 23 fathom sand and ouze.

7. N. Latt. 22 7'; W. Long. 244 57'; E. Long. 115 3'.