Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 22.djvu/371

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Dr. Marcus Whitman


Volume 248—Letter 78

Submitted to the Prudential Committee April 4, 1843

Doct. Marcus Whitman

Left the Oregon country 3d October 1842, & arrived at Westfort Mo. 15 February & in Boston 30 March, 1843. Left unexpectedly & brought few letters. Letters of March 1842—Making changes, had been received & acted on.

The difficulties between Mr. Spalding & the others was apparently healed, Mr. S. promises to pursue a different course. The mission wish to make another trial, with Mr. Smith & Mr. Gray out of the mission. Mr. Gray requests a dismission—Has left the mission & gone to the Methodist settlement—Mr. Rogers also.

Prospects among the Indians more favorable half the year from 30 to 100 & the other half from 100 to 300 attend worship at Waiiletpu & Clear Water,—each attention & advancing somewhat in knowledge—their temporal condition much improved & improving—the traders at Walla Walla decidedly friendly and accommodating.

There is, however, an influx of Papists, & many emigrants from the U. S. are expected. The religious influence needs to be strengthened. The mission therefore purpose request thus:

  1. One preacher be sent to join them to labor at Waiiletpu—and
  2. A company of some five or ten men may be found, of piety & intelligence, not to be appointed by the Board or to be immediately connected with it, who will go to the Oregon country as Christian men, and who, on some terms to be agreed upon, shall take most of the land which the mission have under cultivation with the mills & shops at the several stations with most of the stock & utensils, paying the mission in produce, from year to year, in seed to the Indians, & assistance rendered to them—or in some similar manner, the