Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/191

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Jackson County, State of Oregon.

Jan. 21st, 1861.

A miners' meeting was called on the Right hand fork of Foots' Creek for the purpose of making mining laws. Whereas W. J. Matney was elected President and G. S. Moore Secretary and Clerk.

The following resolutions were adopted

Size of Claims

1st That each and every man shall be entitled to one hundred yards up and down the Creek and fifty yards on each side up the channel of the Creek.

Discovery Claims

2nd That the discoverers G. S. Moore, J. C. Ryal and M. O'Hara shall be entitled to one discovery claim.

Necessary Work

3rd That each man or company shall hold their claim or claims by renewing their notice or representing it by work every twenty-fifth day.

Claims to Be Recorded

4th That each and every man shall have his claim recorded on the day of which he puts up his first notice, to be recorded by the clerk elected on the Creek for that purpose.

Clerk's Fee

5th It is the duty of the Clerk to record all claims for which applications may be made on said right hand fork of Foots Creek for which service he shall be entitled to One dollar for each and every claim so recorded by said Clerk.

Change of Laws

6th That the above laws shall not be changed except by unanimous consent of all the miners on said right hand fork of Foots Creek.