Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 23.djvu/209

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Third Installment Edited by ROBERT MOULTON GATKE

To the Cor Secy of the Missy Socy of the M. E. Church Salem Oregon Territory April 24, 1849 Rev Dr. Pitman Dear Bro.

Your letters of Sep 30th Oct 12th, Nov 16 & 24th 1849 were received on the 10th Inst. I now desire to answer such parts as relate to the Oregon Institute. I learn a resolution was passed by the Board Sep 21st, 1848. "That provided the Oregon Institute comes into the possession of the Missy. Socy. A teacher be sent out as soon thereafter as practicable" and that Bro. Roberts be instructed "to repurchase free from restrictions." At a subsequent meeting. It was resolved "that it was inexpedient at present to make the purchase", and that this last action was brought about by the representations of Captain Gelston who had been on the ground and had seen the building. You most cordially invite me to express my mind, on this question at the earliest oppertunity. I shall certainly do so without reserve. And I desire first of all to say I am extremely sorry the board passed this last resolution, and extremely mortified that it done so for such a reason. Our cherished hopes in regard to this Institution are seriously interfered with for months to come, and that interference effects our general work. We had hoped, that a teacher would have reached us this summer or at Latest by autumn, but now we can entertain no hope of relief until these dispatches reach the states, and then almost any thing but promp and available relief. I said it was mortifying that such a resolution was passed for such a reason In previous communications I have referred to the repurchase and occupancy of the Oregon Institute in terms of such unmistakeable plainness as fully to commit myself in favor of both. Perhaps I have perpetrated no special pleading in the case, because I did not deem it necessary. But you are entirely correct in understanding me to be favourable to its repurchase, and being placed under the control of the Missy. Board or an annual conference if one is established.