Individual Vote on S. J. R. No. 16, 1868
FOR Names County Bayley Benton Brown ~ Marion Cochran _ Lane Crawford Linn Cyrus Linn Dribblesby Grant Ford Umatilla Hendershott Union Miller Marion Miller Jackson Powell Multnomah Stout Multnomah Thomp son CI ackamas Trevitt Wasco AGAINST Names County Adams Yamhill Cornelius ....Washington, Columbia, Clatsop and Tillamook. Herman Douglass, Coos & Curry Holtzclaw Josephine Huston Lane Ison Baker Pershbaker..Douglas, Coos & Curry Vote House, 1868, H. J. R. 866 FOR Alexander Linn Alexander Benton Bellinger Benton Beers Baker Bryant Linn Butler Wasco Cox Josephine Crooks Linn D avenport . Marion Denny Marion Garret Clackamas Gray Grant Gilfrey Lane White Jackson Johnson Linn Kirk Umatilla Louden Jackson Lichtenthaler Marion Minto _ Marion Powell Multnomah Rinehart „.._ . Union Smith Jackson Stites __ Linn Simpson Marion Trullinger Clackamas Tandy Lane Winston Speaker Whitaker. Lane AGAINST Applegate Douglas Benson Baker and Union Brown Yamhill Burnett Yamhill Davis Multnomah Chapman Multnomah Flook Douglas Gazley Douglas Grant Polk Horter Clatsop & Tillamook Jackson Washington Neal Grant Pendegast Coos and Curry Ryan Wasco Scoggins Multnomah Townsend Polk Taylor Washington Waymire Polk