Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/229

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The Coming of the White Women, 1836

given him an invitation to come we hope he will except. Another request I would make, if our friends wish to do us good they will send us religeous books, papers &c. We were obliged to leave nearly all we purchased at Cincinati with Brother Merrell at the Otoe Village & those we attempted to bring are nearly destroyed. If any one wishes to come by land (& by the by it is the best for the health & the cheapest) let them send all their outfit to Oahu by ship & take only the suit they wish to wear & a few changes of under garments, packing their provisions only & they will make an easy pleasent trip & less expensive than we made. Our expenses over were 3295.58, which Dr. McLaughlin says is cheaper than we could have come by sea. I mean the whole expense from home for us all seven in number, & we might have come much cheaper if we had not undertaken to brought so many things with us... We see now that it was not necessary to bring anything because we find all here. But I see I shall exceed the limits I have marked for myself. I could write much more but must close. farewell Dear Dear friends. You will not fail to write all of you the first opportunity. Father will write & Mother also I hope, if it is but little.

From your affectionate Daughter & sister

Narcissa Whitman

PS. Do not fail to give my love to Sister Dryer tell her I think of her often. Husband if he was here would unite with me in sending love to you all & other dear friends who are interested in us Brother & Sister Hull, Brother & Sister Bridgeman & our Amity friends. Aunt Phelps wished me to send her my journal in my own hand writing but I have not been able to coppy it for her. If you think best to favour her with a copy I shall be highly pleased for I love her & all our Onondaga friends. Tell me all you know about them when you write. Husband wish me to send a copy of my journal to Mother Loomis. I have done so. farewell

Narcissa Whitman