Page:Oregon Historical Quarterly volume 37.djvu/45

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Letters of John R. Tice

Humbug Creek, Cal. July 15/52

Dear Father and Mother,

I received your letter dated May 10th which I was very glad to receive. I am mining here on this Creek which is in the upper end of California about thirty miles from the line between Oregon and California. Andy Davison and myself are partners in mining. We have a Claim in the Creek which is paying six or seven dollars per day, which he is working and I have hopes it will get better for most all the Creek Claims are paying large wages. I have a good bank Claim which has paid us about ten dollars per day since we have been drifting. It took us about two weeks to get it open and ready to work. I am working with a man from Pennsylvania. He is much of a gentleman. Drifting I suppose is work which you never saw much of. The Bank we are working in is twelve feet to the bed rock. We commence on the bed rock and drift out three feet and leave the other nine feet over our heads. It is very pretty work in the summer time and no danger if we keep it well timbered which we do. ... I think old Covington must be pretty well deserted by this time, all the boys coming to Oregon and California. Well, I should advise all young men that will work to come, for good hands can get one hundred per month and board, and if they will be satis- fied at that, they can make money, but those that have families .... had better stay at home or at least leave their families there. ... Oregon is a very good country but it . .. won't hold the States. . . . Good Claims there sell very high and I would rather have a good farm in Illinois than in Oregon. There were two Companies left Oregon for the States. They were all families. ... A great Fourth (of July] we had here in the mountains. There was a liberty pole raised and a great deal of liquor drunk ..., but very little I drank for I have other use for my money. If I have any luck I want to be home by next July or before. Wesley McGonigal is on the Creek and has got a good Claim. He gave a good price but he will make some money out of it. All three of us want to come home next Spring if it is God's will.

... I am in good spirits and expect to make my pile this summer and winter. Andy sends his love to all his folks.

Your Affectionate Son