Page:Oriental Sketches Dramatic Sketches and Tales.pdf/147

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Help me to rail against this cold, proud man,
Geraldi Sforza, who usurps my place
Within my husband's heart.


                                           She is absorbed
In some sweet dream; dear Veronica wake,
Convince this wayward girl, that she hath wronged
Our gallant friend; pour forth thine eloquence,
Or will thy timid modesty deny
Thy love for brave Geraldi?


                                       Thou hast loosed
My silent tongue, and 'twill now wanton. Praise—
Oh it must fall beneath his worth; he stands
Unmoved on glory's pinnacle; no fierce
And mad ambition fires his even soul,
The meanest objects of creation share
His tenderness and bounty—far above
His own renown he prized his country's peace,
The happiness of others—human life,