Page:Origin and Growth of Religion (Rhys).djvu/360

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the latter Condla Coel Corrbacc. When they reached this second island, they found Condla lying across it from east to west, and sending a mighty wave over the face of the deep every time he breathed. Achtlann accompanied Cúchulainn and his friends to a third island, where they were to find the Sons of Dóel Dermait. This at last was Hades, and it seems to have been ruled by two giants, called respectively Coirpre Cundail, brother to the Children of Dóel Dermait's father, and Echaid Glas or the Grey: these two were always at war with one another, like Arawn and Havgan in the Mabinogi of Pwyỻ. On his way to Coirpre's court, Cúchulainn was so irritated by the impertinence of one of his drudges that it drove him to commit an act of violence; and the news of it made Coirpre challenge Cúchulainn to fight, which they did the rest of the day. At last the giant was compelled to surrender, and he hospitably entertained Cúchulainn that night, lending him his daughter and relating the history of the Children of Dóel Dermait. On the morrow Coirpre was challenged to do battle with Echaid Glas, his hostile neighbour; so he and Cúchulainn proceeded to a place of torture called the Glenn, and it was not long ere Cúchulainn engaged Echaid. It was so difficult, however, to reach his person that Cúchulainn had to perch himself on the brim of his shield, whence Echaid repeatedly blew him off into the sea. At last Cúchulainn bethought him of an expedient whereby he was wounded from above and instantly killed. No sooner had this been done than the three Sons of Dóel Dermait, and the other wretched creatures kept in bondage by Echaid Glas, flocked together to bathe in his blood, whereupon they were healed of all their ailments and