Page:Origin and Growth of Religion (Rhys).djvu/728

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Catalogue of some Works Knighton (W.) Struggles for Life. By William Knighton, LL.D., Vice-President of the Eoyal Society of Literature; Author of "The History of Ceylon," "Forest Life in Ceylon," &c. &c. 8vo, cloth. 10s. Qd. Kuenen (Dr. A.) The Eeligion of Israel to the Fall of the Jewish State. By Dr. A. Kuenen, Professor of Theology at the University, Leyden. Translated from the Dutch by A. H. May. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 31s. 6d. ■ Vide Theological Translation Fund Library. Kuenen (Professor A.) Lectures on National Eeligions and Univer- sal Eeligions. Delivered in Oxford and London. By A. Kuenen, LL.D., D.D., Professor of Theology at Leyden. Hibbert Lectures, 1882. 10s. 6d. Macan (Eeg. W.) The Eesurrection of Jesus Christ. An Essay- in Three Chapters. Published for the Hibbert Trustees. 8vo, cloth. 5s. Mackay (E. W.) Sketch of the Eise and Progress of Christianity. 8vo, cloth. (pub. at 10s. 6d.) 6s. Martineau (Eev. Dr. James) Eeligion as affected by Modern Mate- rialism ; and, Modern Materialism : its Attitude towards Theology. A Critique and Defence. 8vo. 2s. 6d. ■ The Relation between Ethics and Eeligion. 8vo. Is. Ideal Substitutes for God considered. 8vo. Is. Mind : a Quarterly Eeview of Psychology and Philosophy. Con- tributions by Mr. Herbert Spencer, Professor Bain, Mr. Henry Sidgwick, Mr. Shadworth H. Hodgson, Professor Flint, Mr. James Sully, the Eev. John Venn, the Editor (Professor Croom Eobertson), and others. Vols. I. to XL, 1876 to 1886, each 12s.; cloth, 13s. 6d. 12s. per annum, post free. Midler (Professor Max) Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Eeligion, as illustrated by the Eeligions of India. Hibbert Lectures, 1878. 8vo, cloth. 10s. 6d. Oldenberg (Prof. H.) Buddha : his Life, his Doctrine, his Order. Translated by William Hoet, M.A., D.Lit., Member of the Eoyal Asiatic Society, Asiatic Society of Bengal, &c., of her Majesty's Bengal Civil Service. Cloth, gilt 18s. Peill (Eev. G.) The Three -fold Basis of Universal Eestitution. Crown 8vo, cloth. 3s. Pfleiderer (0.) Paulinism. An Essay towards the History of the Theology of Primitive Christianity. Translated by E. Peters, Esq. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. 21s. Vide Theological Translation Fund Library. Pfleiderer (Professor O.) The Philosophy of Eeligion on the Basis of its History. I. History of the Philosophy of Eeligion from Spinoza to the present Day. Vol. I. Spinoza to Schleiermacher. By Professor Otto Pfleiderer. Translated by the Eev. Allan Menzies and the Eev. Alex. Stewart, of Dundee. 8vo, cloth. 10s. 6d. Vide Theological Translation Fund Library.