Page:Origin and history of Glasgow Streets.djvu/16

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children in their peregrinations through the paik invariably avoided the Planting through fear of Jenny. A year or two since, a correspondent in one of the daily papers, who claimed to be the representative of the Allan family, suggested that a metal tablet should be fixed up to mark the site of Allan's Pen. Rather a strange desire on the part of a descendant to have the memory of an ancestor perpetuated whose most notable action was that of depriving the public of a right of way, and who wound up a somewhat chequered career by ignominious flight. Byron in his "Childe Harold" thus descants on an individual of this sort:

"But one sad lozel soils a name for aye,
However mighty in the olden time,
Nor all that heralds rake from coffined clay
Can blazon evil deeds or consecrate a crime."

Alston Street, now swallowed up in Central Railway Station, was named for John Alston, grandson of Mr. Miller of Westerton, the maker of Miller Street.

Anderston, the village of, was formed on the eastern portion of the estate of Mr. Anderson of Stobcross.

Annfield Street, after Ann Park, who was the wife of James Tennant, a wealthy tobacconist, who built the mansion of Annfield.

Ann Street (Bridgeton), after a daughter of John Walkinshaw of Barrowfield, of which estate this formed a part.

Argyle Street was without the West Port, and was at first known as Dumbarton Road, then it changed to Wester Gate, and previous to assuming the patronymic of Archibald, Duke of Argyle, it was called Anderston Walk. In May, 1761, the corpse of Argyle, who had met his death in England, lay in state, while en route to the ducal burying-place at Kilmun, in the Black Bull Hotel, then known as the Highland Society's House, in this street, which but a short time previously had been named in his honour. The old hotel still standing between Glassford Street and Virginia Street, is now engrossed in the premises of Mann, Byars, & Co.