Page:Original manuscript of Gitanjali - Rabindranath Tagore - Rothenstein collection.pdf/157

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او The night darkened. Our day's works hadben done. We thought that the last quest had arrived and the doors in the village were all shut. Only some said, the king was to come. We laughed and Alla said "No, it can not ber It seemed there were knocks at the door and we said it was nothing but the wind. We put out the lamp and lay to sleep. Only some said, "Uus the messenger li' We laughed and said "ho, it must be the wind!" There came a sound in the dead of the night, We sleepily thought it was the samestitust thinder. The earth shook, the walls rocked, and it trouble us inour sleep. Only some said, it was the sound of wheels. We said in a drowsy grumble," no, it must be the rumbling of clouds." the right was stile dark when the drum sounded. The voice came "Wake up! Delay not!" We pressed our hands on our hearterand shuddered with fear. Some said, "Lo, there is the kings flag!" 77