Page:Original recipes of good things to eat.djvu/15

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Soup of Za Beans

Place 2 ounces of olive oil in stewpan, 1 onion chopped fine and cook until slightly brown. Add 1 can kidney beans, 1 pint of water and cook for thirty minutes with seasoning to taste. Without disturbing ingredients add ½ pound of noodles and cook until noodles are tender.

Mrs. B. Koch.

Vegetable Soup

Three pounds fresh beef, 4 quarts water (cold), 1 large onion, 1 large carrot, 1 stalk celery or celery root, 3 leaves of cabbage, ½ cup lima beans, ½ cup navy beans, 1 tablespoon salt. Put meat and cold water on to boil. Soon as it starts to boil skim. Add beans and vegetables, cut as for vegetable soup, add salt, cover and let boil slowly for three hours. Strain off half the clear soup and set aside to cool. Add 1 cup of canned tomatoes to the remaining vegetables and let come to a boil. This makes good vegetable soup. Then use the strained, clear soup for next day and add noodles or boiled rice.

Mrs. Louis Ziv.

Cream of Tomato Soup

Peel and cut up a dozen ripe tomatoes, stew until tender in a cup of water, put through a colander or vegetable press, and thicken with 3 teaspoons of cornstarch, rubbed to a paste with a heaping tablespoon of butter, season to taste with salt, butter, onion juice, and enough sugar to correct the acid taste of the tomatoes. Pour slowly into a quart of unskimmed milk scalding hot, to which a pinch of soda has been added. The mixture added to the milk should be brought to a boil before it goes into the sauce pan containing the milk. Serve at once before the foam induced by the boiling subsides. If you can have the milk one-quarter cream, the soup will richly deserve its name.

Marian Krueger.