Page:Original recipes of good things to eat.djvu/17

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Clam Chowder

One pound of bacon cut in small pieces. Fry brown. Three quarts of water, ¼ peck potatoes cut small, 3 onions cut small, 1 can tomatoes, 1 can of corn, 1 can of clams, chopped. Boil until potatoes are tender.

A Friend.

Tomato Bouillon With Oysters

One can tomatoes, 1½ quarts bouUion, 1 tablespoon chopped onions, ½ bay leaf, 6 cloves, ½ teaspoon pepper corns, ½ teaspoon celery seed, and 1 pint oysters. Mix all ingredients except oysters and boil twenty minutes. Strain and cool. Add par-boiled oysters and serve in cups with crotons.

Mrs. Mary Vitou.

Spinach Soup

Boil 2 pounds of beef and ½ pound of salt pork. Then add 1 cup of oatmeal, onion, potatoes and 2 cups of chopped spinach.

Veda Torgerson.

Soup Consomme Regale

Put 2 tablespoons of butter in kettle, add 2 pounds of beef and 2 pounds veal cut up fine; stir until brown, add little water and stew for half hour. Add 2 quarts cold water and simmer for two hours. Then add 1 onion, 1 carrot and celery cut up with bayleaf, parsley, seasoning, etc. Cook until done, strain and cool. When ready for use, remove fat on top, boil up, add white of egg beaten and mixed with 1 cup cold water. Boil hard ten minutes. Throw in another ½ cup cold water. Boil again five minutes, strain and serve. This is a delicious, clear, bouillon.

Mrs. Bessie Sings.