Page:Original stories from real life 1796.pdf/39

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I received from different perſons, I will communicate to you in as few words as I can.

Several of his children died in their infancy; and, two years before he came to his native place, one misfortune had followed another till he had ſunk under their accumulated weight. Through various accidents he was long in arrears to his landlord; who, ſeeing that he was an honeſt man, who endeavoured to bring up his family, did not diſtreſs him; but when his wife was lying-in of her laſt child, the landlord dying, his heir ſent and ſeized the ſtock for the rent; and the perſon from whom he had borrowed ſome money, exaſperated to ſee all gone, arreſting him immediately, he was hurried to gaol, without being able to leave any money for his family. The poor woman could not ſee them ſtarve, and trying to ſupport her children before ſhe had gained ſufficient ſtrength, ſhe caught cold; and through neglect, and her want of proper nouriſhment, her illneſs turned into a putrid fever; which
