Page:Orion, an epic poem - Horne (1843, 3rd edition).djvu/109

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Canto I.]
"Blest Eos! mother of the hopeful star,
Which I, with sweet joy, take into my soul;
Star-rays that first played o'er my blinded orbs,
E'en as they glance above the lids of Sleep,
Who else had never known surprise, nor hope,
Nor useful action; Golden Visitant,
So lovely and benign, whose eyes drive home
Night's foulest ghosts, and men as foul; who bring'st
Not only my redemption, but who art
The intermediate beauty that unites
The fierce Sun with the Earth, and moderates
His beams with dews and tenderness and smiles;
O bird-awakener! giver of fresh life,
New hopes, or to old hopes new wings,—receive
Within thy care, one who with many things
Is weary, and though nought in energy
Abated for good work, would seek thine aid
To some fresh course and service for his hand;
Of peace meantime, and steadfast truth, secure!"