Page:Orthodox Eastern Church (Fortescue).djvu/22

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The Augustinians of the Assumption at Constantinople are projecting such a work. Meanwhile Le Quien is still the first source to consult for the history of any Eastern see. F. C. Burkitt: Early Eastern Christianity (London, Murray, 1904).



Collections of texts from the Fathers about the Roman Primacy form an indispensable part of every dogmatic treatise de Romano pontifice. From these the Greek Fathers may easily be picked out. H. Hurter, S.J.: Theologiæ dogmaticæ compendium (ix ed. Innsbruck, 1896), vol. i, tract iii, p. 2, pp. 339–461; W. Wilmers, S.J.: De Christi Ecclesia (Regensburg, Pustet, 1897), lib. ii, pp. 148–280; C. Pesch, S.J.: Prælectiones dogmaticæ (Freiburg, Herder, ii ed. 1898), vol. i, p. ii, sect, iv, art. ii, 277-315, contain long chains of such texts. The acts of councils will, of course, be found in Hardouin and Mansi; the classical history of them is Hefele: Conciliengeschichte (Freiburg, Herder, 8 vols, 2nd ed. 1873, seq.). F. Lauchert: Die Kanones der wichtigsten altkirchlichen Concilien nebst den apostolischen Kanones (Freiburg, Mohr, 1896) is a useful little book (the texts are in the original languages); H. Denzinger: Enchiridion Symbolorum et Definitionum (xth ed. just published by Herder at Freiburg, 1906) is the collection which every one is supposed to have (there is great need of a rather more complete collection of the same kind). The case against the Primacy in the first centuries has been put best in F. Maassen: Der Primat des Bischofs von Rom (Bonn, 1853), and Puller: Primitive Saints and the See of Rome (London, Longmans). Of the numberless works on our side, those of L. Rivington, especially The Primitive Church and the See of Peter (Longmans), are perhaps the best known in England. Two essays by F. X. Funk: Die Berufung der ökumenischen Synoden des Altertums and Die päpstliche Bestätigung der acht ersten allgemeinen Synoden (in his Kirchengeschichtliche Abhandlungen u. Untersuchungen, P. Paderborn, Schöningh, 1897, vol. i) have been used in this chapter.