Page:Our Hymns.djvu/403

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BORN 1810.

DEAN ALFORD, better known for his magnum opus, " The Greek Testament, with Notes," and as an able preacher than as a sacred poet, was born in London, in the year 1810. He was edu cated at first at Ilminster Grammar School, Somerset, and after wards studied at Ti inity College, Cambridge. He was first-class wrangler and Bell s University scholar B.A. 1832, M.A. 1835, B.D. 1849. His first production was " Poems and Poetical Fragments," published at Cambridge in 1831 ; " The School of the Heart," in two volumes, published in 1835, went through several editions, and was also published in America.

In 1834, Henry Alford became fellow of Trinity College, Cam bridge, and from 1835 to 1853 he held the living of Wymeswold, Leicestershire. In 1841 he published " Chapters on the Poets of Greece." He was Hulsean Lecturer in 1841 2, and was appointed Examiner in Logic and Moral Philosophy in the Uni versity of London. The first volume of the first edition of his work on the Greek Testament was published in 1849, and the whole work was completed in 1861. The different volumes of which it consists have gone through several editions, and not withstanding the drawback to the value of the whole work arising from some modifications of method on the part of the author during the progress of the work, its value as a scholarly production is generally recognized. Dean Alford is also the author of several volumes of sermons, and of several series of ela borate magazine articles on " The Queen s English," on " Journeys in Italy," on " The Right Use of the Gospels," &c.

From 1853 to 1857 Dean Alford was known as the eloquent minister of Quebec-street Chapel, London, and in 1854-55, he published two volumes of " Quebec Chapel Sermons." In 1857 he succeeded Dean Lyall in the deanery of Canterbury. A fourth edition of his poetical works appeared in 1865, containing

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