Page:Our Hymns.djvu/438

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A Selefl List of Books

��Discourses delivered on Special Occa sions. By R. W. DALE, M.A. In crown 8vo., price 6s., cloth.

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It is long since we read sermons more full of stimulating thought, of catholic

sympathies, of manly and noble eloquence." British Quarterly Review.

By the same Author.

The Jewish Temple and the Christian

Church. A Series of Discourses on the Epistle to the Hebrews. In crown 8vo., ys. 6d., cloth.

"The style is clear, captivating, and popular. It is impossible for Mr. Dale to write without teaching many things beside the chief lesson which he has in hand. His mind is most fertile, and his remarkable faculty for explanation makes him more than usually interesting." Christian Spe&ator.

Share and Share Alike; or, the Grand

Principle. By Mrs. ELLIS, Author of " The Women of England," &c. In cloth extra, price zs.

" An interesting and instructive story, by a very able pen." Evangelical Magazine.

Doctor Kemp: The Story of a Life

with a Blemish. In a vols., crown 8vo. ? cloth., price i6s. " Mark if his birth make any difference." Dryden. " The story is very interesting." Globe.

The Lacemakers: Sketches of Irish

Character. With some account of the effort to establish Lacemaking in Ireland. By MRS. MEREDITH. In crown 8vo., 75. 6d., cloth.

" The stories contain much amusing illustration of Irish character and habits."


" Mrs. Meredith brings to a labour of love a true Catholic spirit, which cannot fail to enlist the sympathies of all who seek to alleviate the condition of the very poor of Ireland by legitimate means." Reader.

By the same Author.

The Sixth Work. In crown Svo., 35. 6d., cloth.

" Mrs. Meredith finds six duties prescribed in the Sermon on the Mount, and the sixth of them is that of visiting the prisoner, and making an effort towards bringing about his or her reformation." Spefiator.

" A very valuable little book, full of earnest purpose, and discriminating suggestion." British Quarterly Rc-vitw.

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