Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/131

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day, and all the troops to be under arms at ten at night.

One part of the ground surrounding the fort was a swamp of mud, through which the ditch had not been continued, partly on account of the labour and expense of carrying it out, and partly because, from the nature of the ground, it was believed to be more difficult to pass than the ditch itself. It was reported, however, that the natives occasionally waded through the morass; and, on examination, it was found to be passable, though not without extreme difficulty. It was resolved, accordingly, to distract the enemy's attention by a movement on this point, while the main attack was made on another, and the Rajah's troops were to make a demonstration on a third.

The force allotted to the main attack proceeded in three divisions. Two of these were composed of European troops, and were led respectively by Captain Fischer and Captain Yorke. The third, composed of Sepoys, was led by Captain Maclean. The first division was discovered in passing the ditch; and, while tearing up a palisade which obstructed their progress, were exposed to a heavy fire of cannon and musketry. They gained the breach, however, and obtained possession of one of the bastions called the Cameleon, where they were joined by the second division under Captain Yorke. This officer, perceiving a line of the enemy's Sepoys moving along the way below the rampart, ran down, and, seizing the French officer who commanded them, called upon him to order his men to lay down their arms and surrender, which he did accordingly.

Captain Yorke now pursued his way with the utmost gallantry to the body of the place; but his men showing some disposition to falter at what they erroneously believed to be a mine, he stopped to rally them, which gave the French time to load a gun with grape-shot, and point it in the direction in which the English party were advancing. It was fired when they were within a few