Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/239

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under the immediate command of Lord Cornwallis, having entered the bound-hedge, and searching in vain for General Meadows, who, as we have stated, had missed the track of the central column, was attacked by a greatly superior force, against which he with difficulty maintained his ground, until at length he was joined by the division of General Meadows.

But the most critical moment in the operations of this memorable night was when these two divisions, after having found a ford, undertook to force their way across the river. Being aided by an able movement of Colonel Knox, they succeeded more easily than was expected, though it was so deep that all their ammunition was spoiled, and they were accordingly compelled to place their sole reliance on the bayonet. The morning of the 7th of February thus found within the pettah of Seringapatam the left column and part of the central column of the British force; the right column, and the remainder of the centre, being on the Carighant hill.

During the early part of this nocturnal engagement, equally singular in its operations and important in its results, Tippoo had occupied a strong redoubt on the river, where he took his evening meal; but on seeing the English divisions advance to the ford, he felt alarmed for his communication with the city, and hastened to cross it before them. In his flight he almost touched the head of the column, and had several of his attendants killed before he could reach a detached work in an angle of the fort, where he again took a station; and so critical was his escape, that he had entered the gate but a few minutes before Captain Lindsay's party endeavoured to gain admission.

One of the most singular incidents of this extraordinary operation was the narrow escape of Tippoo's treasure. The 6th of February was the day for issuing pay to the troops. The required amount had been counted out to each buckshee,[1] but the issue to the

  1. Paymaster.