Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/241

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rocks, the fire of which was directed to the same point. By these means the inefficient barrier was soon shattered into splinters, and considerable injury done to the works. The gorge being clear, the enemy, about ten o'clock, advanced to assault. They were beaten back, but with considerable loss; and soon after they had retired a cannon-shot deprived the party in the redoubt of their commander, Captain Sibbald.

Major Skelly, one of Lord Cornwallis's aides-de-camps, who had been despatched to this spot on some special duty, now took the command, but found the probability of protracting the defence greatly diminished by the prospect of an approaching want of ammunition. While meditating the best means of husbanding the small stock that remained, Major Skelly was informed that two loaded bullocks had wandered into the ditch, and that it was supposed they were part of those which had been appointed for the carriage of spare ammunition. The conjecture was right; the animals were soon relieved of their lading; and these stray bullocks, with their unsightly burdens, "were," says Major Dirom, "more precious to the major and his party at this juncture than if they had been loaded with the richest jewels in Tippoo's treasury."

Scarcely had the men filled their cartridge-boxes from this unlooked-for supply, when a fresh attempt was made on the redoubt. The Sultan had been greatly disappointed by the ill-success of the former attack, and had passionately demanded if he had no faithful servants to retrieve his honour. After some hesitation, a body of cavalry volunteered their services to accomplish the wishes of their prince; and about one o'clock they advanced towards the redoubt in compact order, two thousand strong. At first it appeared as though they intended to charge at once into the gorge; but they suddenly stopped, just beyond musket-shot, and four hundred of them dismounting, rushed impetuously forward, to force the entrance with their sabres.