Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/301

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and Raghojee Bhoonsla, the Rajah of Berar, felt such a hatred and dread of British power, as not only suspended the strong feelings of enmity between themselves, but impelled them to make precipitate efforts against a treaty which appeared to render the Company supreme over Maharashtra. As this was fully apparent in the movements both of Scindia's army and that of Berar, the Governor-General determined to place all his armies in such positions as might enable them to act with the utmost vigour the moment it should be determined to strike the blow.

With this view, General Wellesley from Mysore, Colonel Stevenson from the Nizam's capital of Hyderabad, and some regiments under Colonel Murray from Bombay, were ordered to advance upon Poonah; and after re-establishing the Peishwa, to be ready, if necessary, to act against the turbulent Mahratta chiefs. Lord Lake, stationed with a large force at Cawnpore, on the Bengal frontier, had instructions, immediately on learning the commencement of hostilities, to advance. His objects were to conquer Scindia's territories in Hindostan Proper, capture the Mogul capitals of Delhi and Agra, obtain possession of the Emperor's person, and open a friendly communication with the Rajpoot chiefs. At the same time detachments were to be sent against Cuttack, belonging to the Rajah of Berar, and from Bombay against Baroach and the neighbouring coast of Guzerat. The success of these last expeditions would render the Company masters of the whole circuit of the Indian coast, and cut off all connexion between their European and native enemies.

Accordingly, the whole of the subsidiary force stationed in the territories of the Nizam, amounting to upwards of 8,000 men, under Colonel Stevenson, marched from Hyderabad at the close of the month of February, 1803, and on the 25th of March reached the town of Parandah, situate on the western frontier of the Nizam's dominions, about 116 miles from Poonah. The subsidiary force was, accompanied by 6,000 of the Nizam's disciplined infantry,