Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/421

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marauders, so long as they should have a place of safe retreat. Preparations for their total suppression were therefore made by Lord Moira, with as much privacy as possible, in order to avoid giving alarm to those against whom they were directed; and the determination of the Government was fortified by a despatch from the Secret Committee of the Court of Directors, conveying a qualified approval of such measures as might be necessary for pursuing and chastising the Pindarries, in case of actual invasion of the British territories.

During the interval devoted to these preparations, a discussion took place with the Peishwa as to the escape of the miscreant Trimbuckjee, whom Mr. Elphinstone felt convinced was concealed and protected by his master, though the latter gave the most solemn assurances to the contrary. There was, however, reason for concluding that Trimbuckjee was instigating the Peishwa to hostile proceedings against the English. It was ascertained that considerable bodies of horse and foot were collecting at Mahadeo, about fifty miles from Poonah; that recruiting was actively going on throughout the Peishwa's dominions; and that even in the city of Poonah, under the very eye of the sovereign, the process was in full operation. These proceedings were publicly ascribed to Trimbuckjee, and the Resident, of course, remonstrated with the Peishwa, urging him to crush the insurrection in its commencement, or otherwise unfavourable conclusions would be drawn as to his own intentions.

Bajee Rao, however, turned a deaf ear to the counsels of the Resident, affecting ignorance of proceedings to which no one in the country was or could be a stranger. Meanwhile, troops were raised, forts repaired, and everything seemed to announce impending hostility. Mr. Elphinstone then put in motion the British troops at Poonah, and by them the insurgents were driven from their haunts near Mahadeo. This being performed, and the Peishwa's preparations continuing, Mr. Elphinstone drew the light division of the troops at his disposal to