Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/52

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Summary Glance at the Military History of India prior to the Arrival of the English – Early Wealth and Civilisation of India – Invasions of the Persians and Greeks – The Mahomedan Dynasties – Mahmood of Ghuzni – Conquest of Delhi by Tamerlane – Baber establishes the Mogul Dynasty in India – Conquests of Akbar and Shah Jehan – Discoveries and Conquests of the Portuguese – Early Settlements of the Dutch, English, and French – Successful Intrigues of Aurungzebe – Rise of the Mahratta State – Character and Adventures of its Founder – Terrible Incursion of Nadir Shah – Massacre at Delhi – Dismemberment of the Mogul Empire – Divisions in the Mahratta States – Position of the different Indian Powers when the English first appear upon the Scene.

The early history of India offers a wide field of speculation to the ingenious theorist and profound antiquarian, which it is by no means our province to enter upon, even were we competent to a task which, according to the well-known phrase on a similar occasion, "has puzzled the wisest philosophers." It will sufficiently answer our purpose at present if we briefly notice the most striking events and epochs in that singular and romantic history; reserving our space and our readers' patience for events no less singular, but which come more home to our business and bosoms as they approximate our own remarkable period.

It seems admitted on all hands that, long ere "Athens nursed her olive-bough," or Italy poured forth her legions to enslave and civilise mankind, India was the seat of wealth and grandeur; that a busy population had covered the land with the marks of its industry; that skilful artisans converted the rude produce of the soil into fabrics of unrivalled delicacy and beauty; and architects and sculptors joined in constructing works the solidity of which has not, in some instances, been overcome by