Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/581

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Arrival of Dr. Brydon at Jellalabad – Preparations there for a Siege – Earthquake at Jellalabad – It is invested by the Affghans – Sorties of the Garrison – The Affghans defeated in a general Action – Colonel Wyld repulsed from the Khyber Pass – A British Army assembles at Peshawur under General Pollock – He determines to force the Khyber Pass – His triumphant Success – Capture of Ali Musjid – General Pollock arrives at Jellalabad – General Nott at Candahar – Fall of Ghuznee – Civil War at Cabul – The British Troops advance on Cabul – Destruction of Ghuznee by General Nott – General Pollock arrives at Gundamuk – The Enemy defeated at Jugduluk – Total Defeat of the Affghans at Tazeen – The British Armies arrive at Cabul – Capture of Istaliff – Release of the Prisoners – Return of the Armies to India.

The reader will readily imagine the astonishment and horror of Sir Robert Sale and his gallant companions at Jellalabad, when Dr. Brydon, of the Shah's force, the individual mentioned at the conclusion of the last chapter, tottered into that fortress, sinking with fatigue, hunger, and loss of blood, and faintly informed them that he was the last and only survivor of the 17,000 troops and camp-followers who, a few days before, had entered the deadly Pass of Khoord Cabul! The public calamity was so overwhelming, that all private griefs were doubtless absorbed for the moment in the magnitude and horror of the event; yet it could not be long ere the hearts of all who had friends and relatives among the slain were torn with a feeling of intense agony at their sufferings; and amongst these the breast of the commandant himself must have been long a prey to the most acute anxiety and the bitterest anguish.

But "courage mounteth with occasion;" and instead of giving way to vain sorrow and useless repining, or dreaming of flight from the coming vengeance of Akbar Khan, the garrison of Jellalabad occupied themselves with