Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/612

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submission of the Gwalior durbar to Lord Ellenborough's demands, and the unopposed entrance of the British into that capital. Colonel Stubbs was appointed governor of the fort of Gwalior, which commands the city; the Mahratta troops were disbanded, and a British contingent of several regiments of infantry and two of cavalry stationed in the country, at the cost of the Gwalior Government, which was also to pay forthwith the expenses of the campaign. The young Rajah was installed with great ceremony at Gwalior, in presence of the Governor-General, the Commander-in-Chief, and an immense assemblage of native chiefs; and in a proclamation issued on the occasion, Lord Ellenborough cordially congratulated the Commander-in-Chief, Sir Hugh Gough, on his able combinations, by which two victories had been obtained on the same day, and the two wings of the army proceeding from different points had been united under the walls of Gwalior.