Page:Our Indian Army.djvu/91

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Companies to negotiate, but without effect. In August, 1754:, Monsieur Dupleix was superseded in the government of Pondicherry by Monsieur Gadhen; and the first result of this change was a suspension of arms for three months, which commenced on the 11th of October. Towards the close of the year a treaty was concluded, subject to confirmation in Europe, and a truce was agreed upon till the pleasure of the European authorities should be known; everything in the meantime to remain on the footing of uti possidetis. By this treaty both parties were restrained from interfering in the disputes of native princes; but, by the articles of truce, they engaged to oblige their allies to observe the provisions of the treaty, and, in case of contumacy, to enforce compliance by arms.

The services of the fleet which had arrived from England under the command of Admiral Watson not being required for any other object, were employed in the suppression of a system of piracy which for nearly fifty years had been a source of serious annoyance to the trade on the coast of Malabar. It was carried on by a family bearing the name of Angria, the founder of which, who had been the commander of the Mahratta fleet, availing himself of the opportunities which the events of the times threw in his way, obtained the grant of certain forts and districts convenient for the exercise of the trade of piracy, and there established a petty sovereignty. His descendants failing in their allegiance to the Peishwa, that potentate united with the English to chastise them. Early in 1755, a small British force commanded by Commodore James attacked and captured Severndroog, one of the forts of Toolajee Angria, and also the island of Bancoot; while the Peishwa's fleet, which was to have assisted in the enterprise, never ventured within gunshot of the fort.

In February, 1756, Admiral Watson sailed with the fleet under his command to attack Gheriah, the principal harbour and stronghold of the pirates. In this service he was aided by Clive, who had recently arrived from