Page:Our Neighbor-Mexico.djvu/466

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could have easily written out from books the facts that Mexico has 9,176,082 inhabitants, not one more, nor less; that it is as densely populated as the "United States of the North;" that it is made up of twenty-three states, one territory, and one district, whose names I could write in, but you would not know any more then than now. All this and more you will find in cyclopaedias and gazetteers, and chiefly in a coming guide-book which has never yet been gotten up, but which I learned that an enterprising gentleman was engaged in. I have not discussed the various tribes and tongues of the Indians. That has been done, and is being done, by expert and accomplished hands.

I should also add, that I know of no previous itinerary of the tour from Mexico to Matamoras, a French brief military journal to Saltillo being all I have seen. This part of the journey, therefore, is entirely without any aid from other sources than my own eyes. The rest has been once and again spread before us on other canvas. Yet a new picture of an old, familiar landscape may convey new and agreeable impressions. May this have that fortune.

The work is done. It remains but to thank the many friends who have aided in putting it into this comely shape. Mr. Kilburn, of the firm of Kilburn Brothers, Littleton, New Hampshire, whom I met in the capital, has kindly allowed the use of many of his superb photographs. Messrs. Skilton, Butler, Riley, and others have aided with their superior knowledge. The secretaries of the several missionary boards operating here have kindly supplied me with the data at their command. How patiently the compositors and proof-readers, and that chief, unknown of men, who superintends them, have gone through the obscure manuscript, and brought it forth in comeliness, only they and the writer know. They, at least, shall be gratefully remembered. To all, thanks. Not the least to you, brother reader, for having accompanied me thus far on this long journey. May you break the icy monotony of our long winters by a visit to our Next-door Neighbor, and forget this story in the delights of your own experience. Hail and farewell!