Page:Our Sister Republic - Mexico.djvu/295

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sary for me to proclaim, that my sympathies were always with those struggling to maintain the Republic, that I rejoiced when the evident will of the people prevailed in their success, and that they have now my best wishes in their labors to maintain the integrity of their country, and to develop its natural wealth. I am prepared to share in your efforts to continue and increase the cordial, social, industrial, and political relation, so happily existing between these two Republics."

It is the desire of the President of the United States that Mexico should be, and forever remain, free, sovereign, and independent; that she may wisely reap the fruits of her victories; that she may pass safely through every ordeal to which she may be subjected, and surmount every obstacle in the pathway of her prosperity, and that friendly relations between our respective Governments and people may be perpetual.

Gentlemen, I have the honor to propose the health of His Excellency, the President of Mexico, and the peace, happiness, and prosperity of the Republic.

Lerdo de Tejada, Minister of Foreign Relations, responded to Mr. Nelson in an eloquent and effective speech in Spanish. Mr. Lerdo's remarks were received with loud applause. The band played Yankee Doodle, and Mr. Seward then arose amid the acclamations of the entire company, and addressed the guests in a low but distinct and emphatic voice as follows:

President of the Republic of Mexico and Gentlemen: In an assembly where I am surrounded by four hundred American patriots and statesmen, the time which can be allowed to me to engage attention is very short, and the words which I may speak, however earnest, ought to be few and simple. The sentiments of a grateful nature no less than profound respect and loyal sympathies for this august assemblage, oblige me to express humble thanks from the depth of my heart for this hospitality and friendly welcome. Pardon me, gentlemen, for say-