Page:Our Sister Republic - Mexico.djvu/67

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America. The world has contemplated with awe-struck astonishment this struggle of giants; the darkness of the Past wrestling furiously with the light of the Future, whose lesson has been taught us by Progress, and once more the crowned heads have trembled before the irresistible power of Fraternity, which, invoked by all people must become universal. Mexico, whose misfortunes have been such as to place her within the reach of French intervention, has, before all free and independent nations, demonstrated that she is worthy to be ranked in their catalogues, and now, feeling the proud consciousness of sovereign power, celebrates, full of joy, and the enthusiasm inspired by patriotic sentiments, the fact of the presence among us, of the eminent statesman, who from the Casa Blanca at Washington, presented a barrier to the irruption of the barbarians who presumed to sow in our fertile fields the noxious and rotten weeds which have paralyzed the sons of the Old Continent. The prouder world of Colon, which was imprudently attacked and wounded, answered unanimously with defiance to the piratical threat promulgated to her, and then shone with redoubled effulgence the sun of the Cinco de Mayo, and blinded with its radiance the eyes of the enemies of Republican institutions. Señor: The glories of my country fraternized with yours in the struggle of the past. I salute thee in the name of the Mexican people, and offer you its friendship as sincerely as thou hast been a true and sincere friend to the Government and people of this nation, who applaud and bless thee!

When he concluded his address, the company applauded loudly, by the clapping of hands and a "hurrah" a la Americano, in special compliment to the guests. Don Firmin Gonzales Castro, and Don Francisco E Trejo, followed in short but fervent addresses, in similar spirit, and Mr. Seward then arose and addressed the audience, amid profound silence, as follows:

Señor Governor and Gentlemen: I thank you with a full heart for these most undeserved hospitalities and honors. The