Page:Out-door Games Cricket and Golf (1901).djvu/161

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Sea-side Links and Inland Links

When golf was a game played only by a few, at the time when there were no links in Ireland or Wales and only Blackheath in England, practically all the golf that was played was played on sandy links by the sea-side. When, however, the game seized hold of England and the English, it soon became obvious that inland courses would be developed to an extent our forefathers never dreamt of. The Warwickshire and Worcestershire inhabitant would not be baulked of his play, or only content with such play as he could get by a short residence of a month by the sea-side in autumn. Links were made everywhere, on lawns, commons, across hedge and pond, and over trees, with every variety of green and every variety of lie, generally indifferent and seldom good.