Page:Out from the Heart.pdf/37

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preserve within himself the spirit of Truth.

When the tongue is well controlled and wisely subdued; when selfish impulses and unworthy thoughts no longer rush to the tongue demanding utterance; when the speech has become harmless, pure, gentle, gracious, and purposeful, and no word is uttered but in sincerity and truth,—then are the five steps in virtuous speech accomplished, then is the second great lesson in Truth learned and mastered.

And now some will ask, “But why all this discipline of the body and restraint of the tongue? Surely the Higher Life can be realized and known without such strenuous labour, such incessant effort and watchfulness?” No, it cannot. In the spiritual as the material, nothing is done without labour, and the higher cannot be known until the lower is fulfilled. Can a man make a table before he has learned how to handle a tool and drive a nail? And can a man fashion