Page:Outdoor Girls at Rainbow Lake.djvu/151

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Like the scene from some simulated fairyland, or a stage picture, was the water pageant on Rainbow Lake. In double lines the motor boats moved slowly along from the starting point toward the float where the judges were stationed to decide which craft was entitled to the prize in its own class.

"Oh, I'm so glad we entered!" cried Betty, as she stood at the wheel. Because of the cloth side of the "gondola" it appeared that she was merely reclining at her ease, as did the Venetian ladies of old, for a seat with cushions had been arranged near the steering wheel.

"Oh, see that boat—just like an airship!" exclaimed Mollie, as they saw just ahead of them a craft so decorated.

"And here's one that looks just like a floating island, with trees and bushes," added Amy. "That ought to take a prize."