Page:Outdoor Girls in Florida.djvu/181

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For a few seconds it was like a tableau, the strange young man, more ragged than before (if that were possible) standing in the midst of the clearing, and gazing as though spellbound at the girls in the motor boat.

On their part, Betty and her chums, following the half-whispered announcement made by Betty, stared at The Loon almost as if he might be a ghost of the Florida forest.

For perhaps a quarter of a minute they all remained thus, scarcely moving——hardly breathing ——and then the young man made a slow turn. He seemed about to plunge back into the tangle whence he had come.

"Don't do that!" said Molly, hardly above a whisper. "He mustn't do that!" and she seemed appealing to her chums. 'We must keep him here—speak to him—perhaps he knows where Tom went."

"Or, if he doesn't, perhaps he can tell us which way to go to get home," breathed Grace. "He's some company, anyhow."

The Loon, to give him the title bestowed on