Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/157

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The other girls and Mrs. Mackson stood spellbound for the moment, and then their senses came back to them, and they realized the need of acting at once.

"Mollie! Mollie!" cried Betty. "Where are you? What happened?"

She started back down the hall, but Grace caught her.

"Don't—don't!" Grace pleaded.

"But I must—I shall—Mollie—some one has taken her—thrust her into that room!"

"Yes—it was the ghost—I saw it!" Grace fairly screamed, "and they'll get you!"

"I don't care if they do! We must go to Mollie. Come, girls, to the rescue!" cried Betty, resolutely.

"But let us get some one to help us first!" insisted Amy. "We ought not to face that—that thing alone!" and she gasped, so rapidly was her heart beating.