Page:Outdoor Girls in a Motor Car.djvu/159

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Betty turned to Grace and Amy.

"I was too frightened to look," admitted Grace.

"And I didn't see," confessed Amy.

"Well, there's one way to prove it—we'll call," spoke Betty. She raised her voice and cried:

"Mollie! Mollie! Don't be frightened. We haven't deserted you! In which room are you?"

They paused, waiting for what they expected would be a tear-choked answer, but none came.

"Mollie! Mollie!" cried Betty again, her tones trembling now.

Anxiously they waited, but there was no response.

"She isn't there!" gasped Amy. "Oh, Betty!" and she began to cry.

"Hush!" cautioned Mrs. Mackson. "Probably the poor child has fainted, and can't hear us. It's enough to make any one faint. But I'm sure this is the room," and she indicated the one she had pointed out. "We must break down the door and get her."

Not expecting the door to open, she turned the knob, but, to her surprise, the portal swung back, creaking on rusty hinges.

"The light—quick!" the chaperone called to Betty.